Sunday, March 17, 2013

Back to Blogging!

It has been entirely too long since I have blogged.  My last blog was July 2011- I was 8 months pregnant and had a 2 year old.  Life was busy- but not nearly as busy as what life has become since then!  I've been wanting to get back to blogging... not because I think what I have to say is just that important... but my sanity is!  I am a work from home mom (Thank you Jesus for that opportunity)  But those are 2 jobs that don't exactly fill a need that I have- Fellowship and Community with Friends.  I am a social person.  I love to share life with other people.  Being a full time mom can be a lonely job.  I love being a mom, would not change it for the world!  But- I have a limit as to how many times I will play hide n go seek, I spy or sing nursery rimes!  Working from home (although FABULOUS!)  Is hard for someone like me that thrives on face to face contact with the outside world! Being a mom of 2 and working has definitely thrown my little world for a loop!  I am a perfectionist, a neat freak and a planner... but there have been many, many, many days I have had to let all of that go for the sake of sanity (mine and my families).

I always feel some sort of strange relief when someone says "I don't know how you do all that you do"  It makes me feel as though, I'm not making it up.  This is hard! Life is crazy and busy, but it is fun!  And I love being able to accomplish goals with my husband and not only provide for our kids, But provide in a way I only dreamed of before!  I love giving them a real childhood!  One that is fun, magical and for them worry free.  This is their time to be care free- and stop to smell the flowers on the side of the sidewalk.  And because of them, I am a better person, and I also stop to smell the flowers  that I would have otherwise stopped over before.  Being a mom of 2 has been a whirlwind.  But it's been one of the biggest blessings I have been given.  I'm so thankful that God looked at the earth and noticed me.  And He knew exactly what I needed, when I needed it.  So at the age of 19 I married my husband.. at 26 I had my daughter and at 28 I had my son.  He knew my heart, knew strengths and weaknesses and knew His plan.  And He knew what he was doing.  Thankful and blessed- beyond measure.

I'm glad to be back!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to keeping up to date with you and your family! You're a pretty amazing woman! Hugs from Indiana!

